Returning to the BWR in a crazy way, this demented detour comes with a twist of tartness at a time when all you want is something sweet. No longer the first dirt segment of the course, this tarty, tangled and treacherous trail confronts those Wafflers and Wafers who haven’t given up yet after hours of flogging. This year, we do it in reverse, finishing at the famous old Lemon Twist produce stand along Del Dios Highway, and thus how it gets its name, Twistenlemonberg.
This, the eleventh off-road sector for Wafflers, is extremely challenging, even in this direction with four-kilometers of single-track trails over sand, clay, bridges and many rocks that will offer far too many obstacles for most roadies to get through unscathed. On top of that, the section has a nice headwind to complete its contribution to the fatigue factor, so riders should approach this with caution and care. And here’s the real twist, there is nothing but climbing still left to cover after you make it through this berg, though your lemon will have had most the juice squeezed from it by now.